The series "Faces of War" presents documentary materials produced by the DII-Ukraine film crew, highlighting the resilience of Ukrainians under occupation against Russian propaganda. "The Face of War" encompasses four comprehensive reports, a documentary feature, and various short-form pieces (caption videos and stories) featuring accounts from Bucha, Kherson, Kharkiv Oblast, and Mariupol.
These materials delve into not only the intricacies of Russian information tactics in the occupied territories of Ukraine (including informational isolation, propaganda, and the dissemination of falsehoods about the war’s progression) but also the ingenious methods employed by Ukrainians to resist this informational influence.
The produced materials were generously provided for broadcast and publication, made available to both Ukrainian and international media outlets and bloggers, including the FREEDOM telethon, Persho Kryvorizky, Raion hyperlocal media network, journalist Roman Tsimbalyuk’s YouTube channel, among others.
This project was carried out in 2023 with the support of Content Fund.