The series "Faces of Freedom" consists of four documentary reports from Hungary, Belarus, Iran, and Kazakhstan, along with a feature-length documentary film and over 20 short-form pieces (such as stories, caption videos, reports, and written materials) from several countries around the world where authoritarianism clashes with democracy.
With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine highlighting the convergence and cooperation among authoritarian regimes, it becomes crucial to unmask these regimes and comprehend their intricacies, as well as the prospects for democratic initiatives within them. It was with this aim that the international production team at DII-Ukraine dedicated their efforts.
The produced materials were generously offered for broadcast and publication, made available to both Ukrainian and international media outlets, including the FREEDOM telethon, Dron Media, Realna Gazeta, Nakypilo, and others.
This project was executed between 2022 and 2023 with the support of UCBI III.